You shouldn't need to add niacin once they are adults, but if you do, it won't harm them. The company I buy my
chicken feed used to have instructions on adding niacin to their chick starter if using it for ducks, but that this wasn't necessary once they were adults. Here's some info they wrote about it then: And a here's a quote from that PDF.
Scratch & Peck Feeds wrote: Niacin supplementation is important during the starter/grower phases, but not required once they begin laying eggs. 27 mg of niacin is recommended until maturity at which point it lowers to 20 mg. Our feeds contain 22.5 mg of niacin. You can supplement by adding brewer’s yeast to their feed for an excellent source of niacin. One tablespoon of yeast contains approximately 5 mg of niacin.
They now just add in the niacin because chicks (who don't need as much) just flush out the rest.
I hope that helps! And, the Scratch and Peck website also has some nice feeding guidelines and info on fermenting feed, etc, that may or may not be helpful for you: