Hi, newbie here. I'm wanting to build a
RMH for my new shop. I have about a third of a dump truck load of screenings left over from the base material under the slab and I was thinking that it might be suitable to use as my thermal mass. My thought is to make a cinder block enclosure, pack the cells in the block tightly with the screenings and then fill in the enclosure with a few inches of screenings, lay in the ductwork and continue filling in with the screenings. When moistened, these screenings can be packed very tightly. (The base for my slab was so tight that a fully loaded mixer truck didn't even leave ruts when he backed over it.) Anyway, I could then dry the screenings out with a few test fires and some fans.
One of my concerns is that the lime might react with the galvanized metal ductwork. Does anyone have any
experience or insights on this? Any feedback would be much appreciated.