Ive been visiting these forums for some years now in order to do the background reading and study in the hope of building my own
RMH. I live in the UK, in Ianto country actually, Wales. One of ther main things holding me back is the materials I
should use. After doing much research I believe the general consensus of opinion is that metal isnt that brilliant for the construction of the burn tunnel and heat riser, and most people tend to favour bricks. I have quite a few bricks that I could use, more than
enough I believe, of the bricks that are placed inside electric storage
heaters. They are heavy, seem very dense, and the ones that I have come in 3 different shapes and sizes, Im guessing thats down to the variation of type of storage heater they were placed in. My question is, are these suitable/useful in the build, and if so, where might I benefit most regarding the placement e.g. burn tunnel, heat riser or drum support? Im hoping that they have excellent insulating qualities and may save me the job of insulating the area that I could possibly use them I can provide photos of the bricks but would have to be tomorrow Many thanks
Incidentally, if I have put this question in the wrong area of the forums, please let me know and move to the correct area if so.