How to clean the water you harvest This is what they do to clean the water they harvest off their roofs in India and Pakistan. Sand filters filter the pathogens out of water and i have even heard reports of them reducing metals in water and hydrocarbons from roofing material in the water, though it is to reduce pathogens that they are installed, not to get out heavy metals.
filtering water through sand i sthe way that many cities clean up on
city waste water only of
course in the cse of cities they are using sand on a large area of grund.
bio sand filters are called slow sand filters the difference between slow sand filters and quick ones i¡s whether the water perculates through the sand dripping through it or whether it is driven through the sand.
Part of the sand filter system has to do with the soil microbe
thread because ht etop layers of the san dfilter are full of microbes as the earth is and these kill unhealthy microbes. The top layers of sand, after two weeks use, fill with a healthy community of microbes that do for any pathogens in your water. rtain gareeens are built into the landscape near lakes an drivers so run off water from our roas¡ds and such gets cleans up because earth and plants work like a sand filter does.
One part of having a healthy population of microbes in your earth is that they keep down unhealthy ones and so increase the health of your crops and live stock by reducing their expos¡ure to pathogens.
They also break down organic matter returning this to its basic minerals that the plants can use as nutrients.
The Samaritans Purse Canada charity use these filters and say, as does everyone else, that they cut out 99 percent of pathogens. parasites. cysts and e-coli and such.
Sand filters filter out pathogens but zenrainman uses them in conjunction with
solar disinffection, sodis, using sodis on hte water filtered by the sand filter.
Sodis is ultra violet disinfection using the suns rays to penetrate water in a transperent bottle or, more portable when empty, plastic bag .
ultra violet light kills pahtogens, and is used by hspitals and public amenties to do so, there is a instrument called a steripen a pen torch that sterilises water with its ultra violet light makieng ultra violet light sterilisation easily availiable to treavelers and campers.
zenrainman in the case of the small plastic PEt 2 litre bottle sand filter, uses the sand filter to filter out particles in the water. If you have an alternative it is better to put pretty clear water in the sand filter. A sediment trap could be used to get rid of the sediment in water.
A sedimant trap is a container in which water may stand till the sediment settles out.
Zenrainman does a test on the water from the sand filter and if the water turns dark wine coloured then he puts the water in the sun for the ultra violet radiation to do for the pathogens.
How a sand filter works.
The top layer of a sand filter works through bio filtration, through the work of a healthy cummunity of microrganisms that eat up pahtogens.
The under layers of sand work to filter out pahtogens through-:
Mecanical trapping the pathogens get caught in the sand. sand as a seive.
Absorption the static electricity on the sand attracts the particles, pahtogens, to sand sticking them to the sand.
Lastly death through starvation, because there is no food in the deeper layers of sand or air. agri
rose macaskie.