...for composting toilet, grey
water recycling...prior to a build?
Here's our sitch. We lived off-grid over winter at a friend's home, successfully.
Compost toilet, DIY grey water filtering with charcoal/sand/pea gravel to allow drainage to the
land again,
solar power,
wood stove heat. We bought land in a rural mountainous county in KY that has no building inspector - all plans are approved by exec judge, but the plumbing inspector is with the health department. His primary concern is with the septic issue. The land has not been perc'd and according to
local geologists, it probably won't perc. We are looking for other permies in our state that have had success in getting a grey water filtering and compost toilet system approved by codes officials. Our "trial run" of six months was amazing, and we want to make sure we do this right in a permanent homestead. Thanks in advance.