I would count wood chips as am industrial product
I've manually processed enough branches into 1 inch chunks to fill a 32 gallon garbage can, it tool to long and aggravated my hand and wrist muscles.
Still, an
underground building that works without plastic is worth pursuing.
I cannot find the R value for dry sand vs. dry wood chips,but if comparable why not go with all sand,and avoid much if the pest issue?
Of course, it might not be on site.
As usual, "it depends" is part of a
sustainable solution.
Making wood into wood chips, on-site is probably more sustainable than shipping in sand.
Speaking of on-site solutions,what about other wood products,such as
ash, charcoal or even wood vinigar, etc?
Making any of these for their own sake seems wasteful, but if you harvest the heat, maybe to make bricks or tiles?