The story gets better. My boots, bestanked with peetea, could not be worn even among
permaculture people (they'd like the joke, but then not want to be in the same room). I buried them in a pile of cedar sawdust hoping it would mitigate the stench, then forgot them there for a couple weeks, and they got moldy! But the smell is gone, so. I know how to clean mold.
And Annie, you just scared me out of using the abundant free plastic 5 gallon pails! Or using them with great care. They are, after all, free.
Thanks Bryant, I have such abundance of all those materials, I can use them unstintingly all over the place. It's been amazing for the garden, better than anything else I've done, even what I paid for!
And thanks for the rec on plastic type. I am so nonplussed by all polymer issues, I just use 5, 1 or 2. These water cooler jugs are labeled 5/polypropolene, which is part of why I started using them for pee...I thought I read somewhere that 5 could leach...something. More than 1 or 2 anyway.
Is LPP a better value given lifespan? Or is it just about risks of icky accidents?
Here in western WA, we often
want alkalinity. I'm applying this to soil mulched with alder chips that's been covercropped and limed. It gets better every year! Eventually there will be
enough mulch and
biochar to help bank the nutrients against our rainforest precipitation that weathers the soil.