Hello everyone!
I am currently planting part of my orchard and am looking for some
honey locust seeds/cuttings. I will be planting 100 seeds collected from John Hershey's nursery however I am open to planting more cultivars(including those unknown). I am most interested in pod production and quality so if you have one of the well known cultivars for pod production I would be delighted to purchase some seed from you. Even better yet if someone has available cuttings for me to graft with!
I am located in Zone 3b so any
trees grown further north are much more likely to thrive here.
I have resorted to this method of purchase due to the fact that the availability of known cultivars for sale in the US... doesn't really exist on a strong level. Yes, there are 1 or 2 sites
online where you can buy potted 3 or 7 gallon trees but that is a PRICEY way to plant a large number of trees. I know there are other people that are looking for access to quality honey locust cultivars and have ended up like me; unable to find a viable option.
Maybe we could close that gap today and have a beneficial resource available for all?
Here is the best resource I have found so far and it took a bit of networking to find so enjoy: