Interesting list. I don't have a list of five, because there's a whole lot more on my list.
Basically, anything that makes me feel poorly. Certain foods make me ache, be a bit nauseous, give me a headache, make my mouth sore or itch, or I just don't feel "right" afterward. That includes most bananas (there are two
local varieties I can eat with no problem), walnuts, corn if I eat it in excess, all store bought granola, all multi grain breads and crackers. I have reacted to commercially made Mexican and Indian foods in that past, but do fine with homemade versions, so I don't know what exactly was the problem.
I avoid the vast majority of commercially made or processed foods. (I grow much of what we eat.) Thus I avoid so many of the things already mentioned -- MSG, preservatives, artificial coloring and flavorings, high fructose corn syrup, etc. I do buy apples and grapes via the supermarket,
sourdough bread made by a local neighbor using better quality commercial wheat flour, Fage yogurt, butter, a few meals at a local restaurant, and occasional meal-stuffs made by neighbor's and friends . While much of my
milk comes from a local source, I do buy some store milk when the local stuff isn't available. About once a month I eat local made pizza or local made sandwiches (these are served for lunch at the spay/neuter clinics where I
volunteer) and I don't feel very peppy the next day. Thus I'm not totally avoiding the system, but I've eliminated the most of it. I'd venture to say that I've eliminated 90% of the commercial food that I use to always eat, perhaps even more than 90%.
I avoid all ag chemically sprayed foods (except those grapes I buy), even if grown locally. Zero chems. Yes, make an exception for the grapes.
No commercial spices and herbs. No commercial sugar. No commercial salt. I produce my own without the binders, anti-caking chemicals, etc.
Seafood-wise, I eat local fish...... Ono and Opelu. And usually once a month treat myself to wild Alaskan salmon.
People mention that they avoid soy, but I find that eating the cooked fresh beans to be fine. I do avoid tofu, soy sauce, and soybean oil because I don't feel right afterward. The fresh beans don't cause a problem.
My meats are either home raised, local grass fed, or wild caught. All raised as chemical free as reasonable.
I don't grill my food, fry it in oil, use much sugar (I press my own cane juice as a pick-me-up after a hard stretch of farm work.)Thus no soda or sweet drinks, other than my fresh pressed cane juice watered down and flavored with a spritz of fresh lime.
Zero alcohol, basically because I don't like the taste. But I also don't like the "buzz" either.
Could I do better? Sure. But I'm not ready to eliminate grapes and pizza!