well in Nove, and then all winter, and then again all spring we have had major wind storms here. 25 years ago I put up some lattice fencing across the front of our entire property including what we gave to Joel for his house, 6' high..and then after that about 15 years ago I put up picket
fence along several hundred feet of our west property line with lattice next to the house for privacy.
with the windstorm more than half of the lattice
fence and a good deal of the picket fencing was damaged from the horrible strong winds and falling
I had begun to fence in my 60 x 60 food forest garden with picket fencing a few years ago but only had 4 panels up..couldn't swing the $ to finish it..and had some salavaged fence here and there.
well when I started trying to salvage the broken lattice fence that was all twisted and yukky, I laid it down and laid 2x4's on it and it straightened right back out in no time, it has some busted up areas, but pretty much was still holdinig into panels..
I decided to take all the lattice that I could repair, salvage and
reuse and try to use it to fence in my entire food forest garden, leaving some parts of some beds outside of the lattice but trying to include most of it inside..it will be rough and it will need a lot of repair as I go on.
several of the posts broke off at ground level, but they were 6' tall, and the new garden alttice fence will be 4' tall, so putting them in the ground 2' I still have fairly decent
wood posts that will be up about 4' out of the ground, so although they may not last forever they
should last for a while..
I have about 75 % of the lattice down and hae started putting it around the food forest garden and I'm verry happy with it..got the west side all done and most of the south side finished..the west side has raspberries and blackberries on the inside of the fence, and I hope to extend the beds with
cardboard and mulch outside that fence area there ..the south side has blueberries, service berries and juneberries out side of the fence, and nothing on the inside (which will be shady) and I hope to extend the beds inside on that shady side with cardboard and mulch too..not sure what to plant in this newly made shady area..but will keep that in my thoughts..thenorth lattice will have wild plum, hazelnut and mulberries on the south side ..not sure if i'll plant on the north shady side of that lattice there..and still not sure what I'm going to do on the east..either split the east bed in half with the lattice as it is a wide bed with asparagus, north star cherry, rhubarb, etc..and it would be hard to reach across the bed if i fence one side..
anyway..quite a
project but it is coming along well..also have some arbors but hope to have
enough materials to make some more as well..have grapes there and hope to pant the 3 kiwi vines i have in pots out there somewhere..
have bought replacement posts for the picket fence area and will have to buy 3 or 5 ?? panels to finish off the replaceement fence there, but I'm going to finish the food garden area first..as I have to dig out all of those broken off posts and who wants to do that !!! Maybe I can borrow a 3 point hitch auger and let it do the work..