Greetings! I was reading
this thread on making your own ceramic filters using clay and
coffee grounds. The title is a bit misleading: you don't put the cow dung in the clay mixture; you used the dried cow dung to fire the clay. According to the different links, cow dung burns "hotter than
wood" -- about 950*C, or between 1,652 and 1,742*F after about an hour.
Given how hot a well-designed
RMH can get (I recall reading one experiment where the person managed to melt the aluminum he was using in the burn chamber, i.e., his fire got to at least 1,000*F), I'm curious if anyone has done any experiments on using biomass other than wood in their
RMH? IOW, burning dried cow dung, dried horse dung, bundles of grass, charcoal, the bones of your enemies (finely chopped up, of
course, and dried), that goat-cheese-and-tomato-bruschetta-pizza your girlfriend tried to
feed you -- whatever is organic that might feed the fire.