I've had a few people politely mention that it's now inappropriate to put two spaces after a period. Even my web browser corrects this for me. I put two spaces after each sentence like I was taught, and when it is published, the extra space mysteriously vanishes. (although there have been some lovely software updates to permies to prevent this from happening here - thanks guys)
With Dyslexia, I eagerly grab hold of anything that makes reading easier. Having a visual break between sentences, something easier to see than a tiny speck of dirt like a punctuation mark, makes it easier for me to understand when the thought is over and a new one begins. Thus the extra space.
I can understand why we are moving away from the extra space. It was useful for handwriting and fixed type like a typewriter. But now with juxtaposition being the norm, it kind of messes up the formatting. This is a shame. Not just because I'm nostalgic for the extra space but because it
really does make text easier to read.
The most recent edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) Manual states that two spaces should follow the punctuation at the end of a sentence. This is in contrast to the one-space requirement from previous editions. However, to date, there has been no empirical support for either convention. In the current study, participants performed (1) a typing task to assess spacing usage and (2) an eye-tracking experiment to assess the effect that punctuation spacing has on reading performance. Although comprehension was not affected by punctuation spacing, the eye movement record suggested that initial processing of the text was facilitated when periods were followed by two spaces, supporting the change made to the APA Manual. Individuals’ typing usage also influenced these effects such that those who use two spaces following a period showed the greatest overall facilitation from reading with two spaces.
Is this what they call irony? Their abstract on the benefit of extra spaces has no extra space after each period.
an easier to read article about the study