Don't worry you can plant in the snow as long as the ground is not frozen it is safe to plant. I have personally done this for dozens of different species of fruit trees. (But fall/winter is not the best time to graft). I actually prefer planting in the fall over planting in the spring, because fall planting actually promote
root growth over leaf growth which then means that I don't have to
I like that you want to build up your soil life before you start planting your food forest.
I agree with doing that 1st. In fact recommend:
earthworks (swale/berm)
Add carbon/woodchip/biochar/straw/etc
Add some soil life (worm tea,
mushroom slurries)
Add mineral (rockdust, sea90, sulfur/lime/etc)
Add cover crop (80% legumes and 20% mint family/garlic family/carrot family, daikon radish, etc)
Personally I like just getting "expensive" super dwarf fruit trees because it is easier to harvest.
But for best result I would actually recommend: planting seeds and then grafting after the seedling has survived few years.
Another way to go is to get rootstock/seedlings bareroot for cheap inoculate them. plant, then graft.