Hi! I'm new to this forum and to the "world of the teamster" if you know what I mean. I'm thirteen and am in the begginging process of training two three month old, high-spirited, Holstein calves. This is my first team but I do have some knowledge from a very eductional book and some very educated people, but I have a few questions. My boys are twins and were born at a
local barn that I work at, and I'm trying to train them using only voice commands (I DO NOT have a goad). We're still working on "walk on" and "whoa" but they seem to be gettig the concept. One of my boys, Simon, has been going kinda slow latley. His ears are a littel droopey, too. I tried to run him a little bit today, cause that normally helps him pick up the pace, but the most he would do was trot. Does this mean anything bad? His brother, Oliver, is having the same "slow" proplem, but only when he's working. Coincedince?
He's in the habit of walking five steps and them stoping. I don't want to get into the habit of prodding him forward, cause then he'll learn that is the cue to go, forward, which it's not, the verbal command "walk on" is. What
should I do? I hope that there are some expeience teamsters out there who can help me! Thanks!
Extra Questions:
Sholud I use a goad?
When we get to "Gee" and Haa", should I turn my boys only at right angls? How do you do that? Do they need to be able to adjust their angle when I give them one of those commands?
They are in the barn right now, on about a three foot chain on the wall with their
water brought to them two times a day along with
hay and grain. Should I try to get them off the wall and into a pasture ASAP?
I shouldn't dehorn them, right?
When should they be castrated? And when they are, should the vet leave the dangling skin there?