Yesterday Jan 25, Christmas arrived one month late. 16 hatched eggs minus two fatalities means 14 live birds out of 24 eggs. The rest of the eggs are still in the incubator in case they are running late.
If after hatching the newborn chicks wiggled off the paper towel onto the slick floor of the incubator, they quickly developed splayed leg.
The paper towel floor was adequate but next time I will use the textured drawer liner that I had already purchased for the project but just did not use.
The splayed leg condition consists of the bird being unable to bring their feet underneath them and instead being stuck doing the splits constantly. The condition does not seem to fix itself. But by using a thin strip of medical tape as a splint to affix their legs together a reasonable distance from each other (think of tying their shoelaces together) the condition was permanently removed after a few hours. The tape also happened to lose its stickiness at the same time and they would manage to run out of their splints like Forrest Gump.