Ed Hoffman wrote:I haven't post for a very long time, but I love good ripe peaches! These pictures are from a Red Haven peach tree I had in my back yard in Parkland, Wash. in 2004. It was my first try growin peaches I bought a little bare root tree from a nursery in our area and it didn't take too many years before this happened. It was like the once in a life time boom year. I was off traveling the world and my son sent me an email sayin you better get home the peach is about to collapse.
It's pretty impressive for our area, but as you can see is absolutely possible. The Red Haven seem to do the best here. They aren't any good for canning, but when they are tree ripened they are those juice drippin off your elbows kinda peaches!
The tree died a few years later, and all my peach stealin neighbors really missed it. I keep tryin to grow another miracle tree, I kept losing them to Leaf Curl. I have another that did very well, but it collapsed under all the weight of another dream load two years ago. It was doing just fine had a lot of peaches on it, then one day they all just exploded in size and it was a near total collapse of the branches. I cut it all back to the main trunk of the tree about 5 ft off the ground and it has grown back beautifully.
I'm hopin we've had enough frost nights this winter and even some late snow seems to make it produce better.
We'll see.+