Brian Henry

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since Jun 14, 2012
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Recent posts by Brian Henry

Thank you, the daily digest, "best of"and might have missed tweaks are very much appreciated.
I look forward to them every day.
Economist - Rabbit Production and Trade

WITH Christians preparing to celebrate Easter, children are looking forward to the arrival of the rather more pagan Easter Bunny. But around the world, rabbits have a more prosaic, less chocolatey use. China, currently enjoying the year of the rabbit, is both the largest producer and the largest exporter of rabbit meat, according to figures from the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation. Venezuela, the second-biggest producer, tends to keeps its rabbit at home and is not among the top-20 exporters. Germany, the biggest importer, spent over $40m on the meat in 2008. The Easter Hare (the Bunny's forebear), which first appeared in German folklore, would not be impressed.

World production and Import Charts Attached
9 years ago
Firefox downloaded full 16.5 MB and now downloading pdf to view.
PDF opening fine.

Onwards with world domination.

I am another wish I could be there and so damn glad it is to be. I am at a conference those dates many moons travel away from Montana, but thoughts will be with you and I look forward to watching the results. Cheers
11 years ago
As to upgrade, you did answer the question now that I purchased and 2 others it cannot be changed. Just the $200 package gets that title and mine is a $250 package. Yes the Care Package gets more swag so I shall be quiet AND happy with my package. Shall tell others there is a $200 package that has a reward suitable for framing and adding to one's CV. Cheers
Somewhat tongue in cheek and not to have your head explode at little questions on packages with so much swag for something that will do so much good. What about "charmers of nature keen on world domination" instead of" paid to put name here" for $250 Care Package? I really do aspire to charm nature and AM working diligently on the world domination cause, but yes yes, I know that, a video mention is just getting a gold star on the wall for it. Onwards the quest, the rabble swell daily.
Just moved up to The Care Package cause I like the cause... and swag, plus fond anchored memories of Grandma's boxes of comic books and baked goodies we called Care Package, she would send to the summer cottage. Onwards to blow out the doors level funding for this project.
Thinking I may have to upgrade from streaming package as I have variable internet depending on the severity of the trade winds, Saharan dust fallout, or what ever else is current theory on flickering internet. Will muse upon, as prefer to download things, but I guess I can copy DVD's and leave in Nova Scotia for the permie "Resource Library"? OK upgrade to DVD package it is. Hmm trust seamless process other than adding $15 to card, every day is a learning day.
A great project of use to my needs and one I am glad to support.

They may have gone over their goal amount but I backed them as well so they know they come from abundance. Another good project that deserves backing. Thank you for posting.
11 years ago

Where were the cards shipped from?

My shipping notification said Jacksonville FL.
11 years ago