eriko mukasa

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since Jun 25, 2012
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Yes, I felt better on the methylfolate but not 100% better, so my doc and I increased the dosage...which made me feel better in some ways and not so good in other ways (hard to explain, sort of unbalanced) so we added niacin which kind of smoothed things out. Not to mention I am one of the nutty people who loves the niacin flush.

Tina Paxton wrote:

eriko mukasa wrote:Since getting the news and adjusting my diet and fiddling around with the dosage of methylfolate (*and* adding niacin!) I feel so much better...


So, adding niacin helped you?

10 years ago
Thank you for posting this! I have the mutation, I can't remember which variant, But it's the "not so bad" version. Since getting the news and adjusting my diet and fiddling around with the dosage of methylfolate (*and* adding niacin!) I feel so much better, the difference between having complete physical and mental exhaustion *all*the*time* and now being able to get things done, have normal conversations while looking people in the eye, not needing to hide in the closet from paralyzing fear.....amazing.
It's shocking how common the mutation is and pretty sad that it's not something that is tested for when people are showing symptoms. I know that if I had known about this earlier, it probably would have saved me a lot of grief physically and mentally. I'm just glad that I did find out about it, I was able to make changes AND the methylfolate is super inexpensive. (that said...if you suspect you have the mutation, get tested, don't just start dosing on the methylfolate!)

10 years ago