Guadagno Attilio-Cesare

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since Jul 10, 2012
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i am soul-spiriting; re-presented in-density via a manning, jus soli, los angeleno californian; offsprung  from the Prime-Source-Creator i choose to refer to as “The Supreme Spirit”.
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i sojoun continuously on the earth plane of existence
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Recent posts by Guadagno Attilio-Cesare

Randy Eggert wrote:

Madeleine Innocent wrote:You can't standardise anything as we are all very different.

… a world class cross country skier who was persuaded to try a high protein/low carb diet and discovered he no longer had enough energy to train)….

i agree that we each could experiment to see what works best for ourself;

when it comes to switching from the s.a.d. of high carbs (for fuel) to what could be high non-toxic animal fat foods… it takes a period of time for our bodily systems to aclimate to the change, and it is the fat that does the fueling (not the protein); protein is the building blocks to replace and/or regenerate the previously damaged/decaying cells due to the toxins/poisons previously exposed to.
2 months ago
after first discovering the raw food lifestyle more than three decades ago, and jumping in whole organic  foodly, after being raised on the standard american diet (s.a.d.) of, what i refer to as, “frankenfood” (i.e. canned / boxed / processed / toxified food-products)… and experimenting with many other diets from ayurvedic to keto to “proper food combining” and “blood-type diets”, etc… during these past decades… i, only less than two years ago,discovered a version of the raw food lifestyle i had never heard of before, which i now feel puts all the most perfect aspects of all those other diets together within a strictly raw food diet high in raw animal fats and proteins and low in vegetable and/or grains carbohydrates and have perfected my “Primal Diet” foodies routine;

if any are interested, feel free to research the “Primal Diet ™️“ by Aajonus Vonderplanitz;  here is a free copy of the last “recipe” book, he published before being martyred by THE beast SYSTEM, entitled “The Recipe For Living Without Disease”:
2 months ago
i own no motorized vehicle whatsoever, now;

after living nomadically out of a solar electrical powered RV travel trailer towed by a waste vegetable-oil fueled diesel pickup truck, back and forth between the East and West coasts of The United States — North American Continent for several years starting about 15 years ago, with stays on north carolina, florida, georgia, utah, kansas, nevada, and my natural-born-on california, my nomadic sojourning took me across the pond to live on the African and European Continents, for a couple of years, before returning stateside with no vehicle, so i acquired a skateboard and a bicycle to get me to and between bus stops, friend/relative’s homes, and airports;

i, now, feel most free, as i continue to sojourn back and forth between california/mexico and central and south american countries utilizing my bare feet/legs and commercial airlines and/or local public transportation “buses” and/or private “taxi” drivers;  i do my best to avoid UBER and/or LIFT or any incorporated TAXI COMPANY.

¡no problemo! 💪
4 months ago
my primary means of mobility is always to walk; i bicycle when the distances are greater and/or time is more of the essence;

after the road-pirates on los angeles county stole, the one and only motorized conveyance, i used to support the permaculture experiment-experience i was stewarding, a CNG-fueled one-ton RAM VAN (for a second time) and not recovering it via paying any ransom, i made the decision to utilize an eBike for greater distance sojourning than walking could accomodate timely, then;

after that [motorized] vehicle was also stolen, by a mexican-national acquaintance, and sold on the black-market of mexico, i purchased a folding mountain-bike and now feel perfectly happy that the only time i am paying for mobility, and/or contributing to industrial pollution of our earth realm, it is affordably via public-commercial transportation and/or carpooling/sharing a friend or relative’s private automobile.
4 months ago
seeing the Adobe Mountain Foothills Permaculture Experiment Experience (AMFPEE) Gopher tortoise emerge from its winter hibernation.
4 months ago

Madeline Breeze wrote: is that in Lancaster, CA?  your stove looks pretty cool, did it work well through our long winter?  hard to tell from your photos how much planting you have done but i see some trees and strawberries!  what has been your greatest success and challenge so far?  thanks for sharing!

Yes, the AMFPEE Land is located on unincorporated Los Angeles County, Butte Valley, (Lancaster), California Repermies.

“Lil Frankenstein” (AMFPEE’s new mini-rocket-mass-heater/stove) was only just completed following the completion of this last Winter Season.

Greatest challenge, from my perspective, is creating shade which will withstand OUR strong prevailing winds and the unpredictable other tan prevailing winds.
Perceived “...greatest success...” would be the fact that i have been able to grow food-bearing  plants successfully through to harvest while keeping the plethora of desert reptiles and mammals from eating them before i DO! 💕🙏👑🎉
5 years ago

Madeline Breeze wrote:any update on this post?   im in los angeles but would like to move to high desert or establish some sort of part time base to experiment with permaculture ideas.  socal deserts are rough - hard if you're not there all the time to prevent squatters and thieves grabbing your stuff.  anyone else have experience in this regard?  im somewhat new to the forum but maybe this has been discussed elsewhere.

The Adobe Mountain ⛰ Foothills-Permaculture Experiment Experience (AMF-PEE) continues...! 💕🙏👑🎉
5 years ago

Tracy Wandling wrote:And here are the last of the photos from the Rocket Mass Heater Workshop Jamboree, courtesy of Atillio Cesare.

Oh, those are not the last of the photos I AM, and will BE, shooting!!  All those pix and many videos, as well as all the current and future pix/vid I shoot, can/will be viewed via the link I shared in my post within this thread above...
7 years ago
Here is a PUBLIC access link to the album of all pictures I shot over the course of the RMH Jamboree of Workshops... In-Joy!

7 years ago