My place, here in North Otago, New Zealand, wou.d be overrun with rabbits and mice if it wasn't for my cats (three). It would be fine to be catless if our British ancestors had not brought in rabbits, stoats, ferrets etc. the animal wild life has been unbalanced since then. My cats do a good job. I do regret the birds they take but with the establishment of lots of trees and shrubs, the birds are well catered for too. I seem to have a kinda balance with animals on my farm. I am in the process of establishing Holistic Farming (mob grazing) with my farm animals. It will be interesting to observe the changes. Long grass does not suit rabbits so well as it remains wetter so they may move away from my place! Well, that's the theory anyway. Now that I have a Mareema dog I do not have the same problem with ferrets taking my hens.
So, I like cats, this place would not be the same without them.