Thank you for your replies.
Dale, they went in spot on at the soil rodents or predation or signs of insect damage. But the leaves are looking rough...please see here:
Leila, I was a bit more arbitrary in my e-mail to them, as per below:
"I just wanted to write to see if you might take some time to discuss the situation and potential resolutions that you can provide. I'm not sure if this would be a situation where replacement trees or what other options would be appropriate or some such consideration. "
I'd honestly rather order from some place else than have the trees replaced by the nursery, but I did not see any allowance for that in their guarantee (one growing season).
I did not reply yet indicating how close to the graft the damage is but I did it find it odd not offering some other solution or diagnosis. I got the vibe of "it's cool or cut it" the way I read their reply email.