I tried the fermenting when thwy were about 4 weeks old but couldnt get them to eat it. Maybe I didnt do it right. Will you give me your recipe? Maybe I didnt start them early enough or maybe I didnt get the fermintation right, But I will try this again in the spring when we get the next batch. I really would like to use something like this if it would cut down on the smell and the water. Boy did mine drink the water. For raising meaties for the first time, I think I did go. I am amazed at how many post on the losses. I also think that most use the broiler feed for their CX and I didnt. I didnt want mine to grow so fast that they had problems. And I personally think by giving them the layer feed that it provided more calcium that helped with no leg issues. Yes by the time I butchered at 11 weeks they were started to get where they waddled some when they walked, but up til butcher they all were still foraging and running around and even flying some. I even had one guy slam into my leg like he was trying to spur me. I looked at him like really? Now will be the taste test as we havent had any yet. We just butchered yeaterday and by the time that was over I wasnt in the mood to cook a big meal

but this weekend we will have the tatse test. I am sure they will be as good as our first fresh eggs. Also next spring I am going to do turkeys. I am leaning towards Midget White because of the size and reported taste and the fact that they breed naturally. I plan on keeping a tom and 2 hens so each year I can hatch out my own instead of buying poults each year. I wish we could do the same with the CX, but they are so inexpensive that the cost are not that bad. I am just trying to get a little more selfsuffient and I detest what Big Ag does to our food. I have had a lot of people at work ask me how I can do this, but I tell them my chickens had a good life that I nurtured them til its time for them to nuture me. The circle of life.