Shawn Aune wrote:The cheapest and most accessible bulk seed I've been able to find is to grow Food Plots for Deer.
I've found big bags of alfalfa, clovers, chicory, rye grass plus many more useful plants.
Judith Browning wrote:I did plant a pound of alfalfa this fall along with several clovers and some rye grass. The problem here is that blister beetles are attracted to alfalfa.
I wonder what amounts in bulk you are needing and what you consider high prices? Those prices you are finding might just be the going rate for that particular seed especially if long distance shipping is involved.
Judith Browning wrote:
Feed stores here carry bulk seed you can buy by the pound or fifty pound bag if they have it. They have always been willing to order me a bag of most anything...Last summer I bought fifty pounds of buckwheat for fifty dollars...It wil last me a few years but the seed keeps well. I wanted that much vetch too but it was two dollars a pound so I found another feed store that had it in bulk but sold you any amount. If you haven't already, maybe see about getting some place like that to special order if you are talking about fifty pounds at a time. I think alfalfa is just expensive anywhere. I think any area that has ranchers would have bulk cover crops at reasonable prices.
Alder Burns wrote:What you need is what in the US we call a "feed and seed"....sort of a farm supply store cross nursery cross feed dealer. .
Tom Reeve wrote:Not an endorsement.
laura sharpe wrote:
definitely canadian
google wholesale x seeds
Julia Winter wrote: Oops! West Coast North America, not United States! Sorry, my bad.
What is a "triffid"?
Julia Winter wrote:I'm sorry, but I have to respond to "easiest of all, don't water it where you don't want it to grow." That's climate specific advice--West Coast United States advice, to be specific.