Victoria Sterling

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since Mar 04, 2013
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Recent posts by Victoria Sterling

I have a doe that I did not bread last year. Her bag is full. She has not been milked in a year! How is that possible?
9 years ago
Thank you Melba! That is a great idea!
11 years ago
That you Pearl! I appreciate all the info. Guess I will just wait and see...if it doesn't work then I am thinking I will leave the kids on the doe and still milk her, but I want lots of milk too...
11 years ago
This week I am picking up my pygmy doe and she has 3 kids. My Lamancha does are due the first of June. I was wondering since it will be time for the to wean the 3 kids from the pygmy if I could let the baby Lamanchas nurse from her while I milk the Lamanch.
12 years ago