Tom Jonas wrote:Hi Hans, we don't eat a lot of sweet potatoes, so we don't grow too much. When we need to plant, we just buy some from the store and keep them until the "eyes" appear. However, we do plant many different potato varieties that we keep fresh and to dehydrate. Sweet potatoes keep well here, so maybe we will plant more of them this year and dehydrate the surplus, or eat more tempura with our sushi(salmon is just a short drive from here in the spring-fall period)! Also, like some previous posters do, we grow beans as well. Good for starch and the protein as well. Bean flour is an excellent addition to bread, tortillas, chapatis, etc. Flax is also an excellent augmentation for grain products as well( it really flavors puff pastry and standard pastry as well). I hope this info helps. As always, greatest regards from Houston, Alaska. -Tom and Vania
Leila Rich wrote:My dried runner beans are pretty starchy
They're also a good protein source, which I think is really valuable.