Jon Tomlinson wrote:I think they are misleading a lot of people. Don't get me wrong I love Aquaponics. I have a 2500 gallon set up in my back yard. However when I hear this guy claim that he & his family are self-sustained off of this greenhouse, I have to say BS.
Jon Tomlinson wrote:I watched all the videos on YouTube that he had listed. Most of them are media- based segments in which news crews do a 60 second segment( like a commercial). He does not give any viable information on his system & alot of what he does say is incorrect.
Everything that we produce is edible. Here is what real people in our community say about us after seeing what we do in person: I don't know why you have a personal problem with me, but I would be happy to talk them out with you. I am sure you have a great aquaponics setup.Jon Tomlinson wrote:Yes, he does have an Aquaponic system and yes, he has a lot of vegetation. However I haven't seen any produce to support his claim. Vegetation does not equal Vegetables. Seems to me the chickens are not the only thing Fowl! this thing smells kinda like a "Pondsy" scheme with Bernie Madoff at the helm.
Jon Tomlinson wrote:I like that he is teaching his kids to garden. I just believe he is misleading the viewers that its producing what he claims.
I'm sure I will ruffle some feathers but I have to call it as I see it.