This is no answer, but if you kill off the ants you may get some unintended consequences. A number of years ago we were just under siege from red ants on our property, mainly in the back yard. There were enough mounds that the back yard looked like a moon scape. Those little buggers were getting into everything. To make matters worse, my wife and toddler nephew would come in the house after trying to play in the yard bitten to hell. The ants never bothered me probably because they knew they were not intimidating me. Anyway, it came down to a decision between my wife or the ants. So, I mixed up sugar and borax and destroyed every colony. Within 3 months, we started finding termite tunnels all over the place. They were up the wood fences, the firewood pile, up the side of the house, all over some cardboard we were saving for the raised beds, it was a termite apocalypse. It seems the ants were keeping the termites in check. By removing them, the termites had no natural enemy to keep them in balance. Now we only mess with ant hills that are close to the house. The rest can go about their business chomping on termites. Oh, by the way. A squadron of Ant Lions have taken up residence now so they seem to be keeping the red ant population to manageable levels.