peter hall

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since Nov 06, 2013
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Recent posts by peter hall

tried again nothing there as shown by you

see my jpegs only comments after that


will check out the last comment though cant really be arsed after all this time wasted
11 months ago
r ransom thanks for confirming my problem finding a link to the free ebook,

only get links to paid version

regards peter
11 months ago
yes I see the page to click on

only get sent to $7.99 payment link

11 months ago
Hi Paul I am using my desktop and firefox browser
I do get one link which takes me to the €7.99 ebook sales page
but no link to the free book anywhere

regards peter
11 months ago
Hi can't find the link a heads would be appreciated
regards peter

This is paul, the action figure ...

I think (IMAAOO) if 100 million people read my better world book, most global problems would be solved.  So I am trying to develop an evil plot to get more books into more brains. Earth day is my best bet because my stuff seems the least crazy on earth day .

[b]First, a free copy of the whole book, today, for you.  If you go to youtube and find my brand new carbon footprint video, it will have instructions in the video to get the ebook for free[/b].

Here is what I have so far, for my evil plot:

- Get you a copy of the ebook
- You read it and think "yes! this will work!"
- You buy a dozen physical copies of the book
- give them to people

If a thousand people do this, then, world domination!
11 months ago
Hi Burra, yes all services amd meals approx £100 per week for Basic shareholders

no cost at all for VIP shareholders

eventual profit share will cover these costs

warm regards peter
thanks for your best wishes Riona, they do say there is no such thing as a free lunch
this is the exception and well costed, though limited availability,

the offer when fully subscribed will be withdrawn

warm regards peter
Free-living for Life, beautiful river valley location, Algarve Portugal, a Shangri-La-like oasis of plenty, living in harmony with nature, the ultimate civilised bug out for fellow freedom lovers.

Peter, a long-time member of The Freedom Cell Network and the Landowner / Developer of a Health / Wellness eco-complex is offering an exclusive VIP shareholder option, shareholders will be allocated prime location eco-lodge / villa accommodation, exclusive adjoining restaurant, community centre and leisure facilities, with large pool, infra-red saunas, games rooms, Pickleball / Padel courts etc.

This will be an all-inclusive package for our VIP shareholders who will be locked in for life in an energy / food inflation-proof bubble, no cost of living worries ever as a shareholder, a real-life money tree / golden egg situation with a high-end positive return in the 15% to 20% range, a potential £800 a week extra spending money.

Check out our website for a more detailed overview,
thanks for the heads up Timothy
