amanda rebecca

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since Nov 07, 2013
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Recent posts by amanda rebecca

There are a lot of others using polyculture methods in the orchard setting already- Michael Phillips who wrote "The Holistic Orchard" (which is an AWESOME book) just came out with a 5 hour long DVD!! His website is I have not seen the DVD yet, but just from reading the book I am sure it will be awesome. Also, there are a few hour + videos of him giving some weekend talks on youtube- if you search for Michael Phillips they are on the DAcres of New Hampshire channel. I have watched every single one (because I am obsessed haha) and they are all very informative and encouraging for the beginning fruit grower. Also, the new Fedco trees catalog has an entire section on companion plants for the orchard, attracting native pollinators, etc.(catalog is free btw- just request it on their website!!) These are just some examples of awesome resources that are already out which (I think) include a lot of permaculture principles already in case you guys want to learn more right away! But that is awesome that Stefan is coming out with a video! The more people that share that it IS possible to grow fruit without toxic chemicals, the better!!
Oh thanks! That was my first post on the forum too

For our business, I've found amazon buyers to be a little different than our typical customers- we're still trying to figure them out For example, most of our products are cheaper on our regular site (to offset amazon fees), yet people still buy certain products almost exclusively on amazon. We don't get much traffic from amazon--> our site (Amazon's design I think intentionally makes this difficult). When comparing kickstarter vs. amazon, there probably would be more "newbies" coming to your product via Amazon (people who have never heard of rocket mass heaters etc.), while many supporters of kickstarter may have been coming from (and thus already dedicated to the idea of rocket mass heater and willing to buy the entire set at once). Who knows, we've mostly been experimenting and trying different products by trial/error. Since listings are free on amazon, you could always try posting the individual dvds and see what happens. (What we usually do, is fulfill orders ourselves at first. Then, if a product is really successful we'll switch over to FBA).

I've used <p> and <br /> tags before, I would assume that you could create a link as well (although I'm pretty sure this is against Amazon's terms and conditions). I don't have a link to a resource page- I just figured this out on my own since I wanted my information to be listed instead of in paragraph-form.

On sending the DVDs to other countries- it might be good to see which regions are the same as ours. Otherwise the DVDs might not work! That would be sad! I don't know much about setting up websites for digital purchases, but I'm sure there must be some info on it out there. I see Ernie and Erica's website is through google sites- they may even have a way to do digital products.

Hi Paul, have you considered breaking the dvd up into 4 individually purchased sections? Each could be sold for a price which would be appropriate for a christmas or birthday present. (The greater the # of products you have listed, the higher # of sales supposedly). Also, it could give people exposure to the dvds without having to spend $100 right off the bat. Another idea once you start selling more of the dvds is to do FBA (fulfillment by amazon)- you send them in to amazon and then prime members can get free 2-day shipping.
One other helpful hint is that you can add html into the product description on amazon (for example you can add <br> page breaks so that you can create a list of points)...basically so that the description is not one large paragraph. Sometimes I think this is easier for people to read/ascertain what the product is about.