five years ago I had build a first Rocket Stove Mass Heater.
Now it is time for my second attempt.
I want to build a masonry type that has to heat a rather small but not well insulated brick build garten house of about 200 sqaure foot.
The challenge here is, that I am not allowed to build a stove here and have to conseal the chimney/exhaust.
Most people will not object to a stove in such a garden as many have them and will not say anything, if I build one. Expecially not during energy crisis here in Europe. But it will be much easier if only few or no other people realize, that there is a newly build oven.
The smell is not so much a problem, as there is smell of wood burn from one of the houses near already. And probably much more once it gets cold.
My idea was use a bench design with piping and then let the cooled exhaust out directly through the wall to my very small shed 12 square feet or so, where it could stratify to the roof and then go out via the large opening over the top of the door, once it cools down. It is well ventilated and probably no hazzard for anyone, because it is very well ventilated and very small. Even if anyone would breath too much CO2 and fall down, he could only fall into the open and fresh air...
I guess 6 inch design is enough heat for that house.
What do you think?