Oh thank you for the prompt reply...I have had a heck of a time figuring out how to post the pics so it took a while...had to find someone less techno-phobic than I - which wasn't that hard:) I'm on Orcas Island just down the road from the Bullock place ( figure you might know where that is) Zone 8b I think and have moved here from coastal CT. - big difference and I'm having so much fun! The greenhouse is 15' (ish) by 30' (ish) and leaks like a sieve. I've bunged up all the holes I could find and have two space heaters running and heat mats on.
My cob is still wet and I haven't committed to covering the barrel yet either because I'm not sure if I have to change anything. My heat riser (not shown forgot to take pic) is just under 3" from the barrel top I plan to bury the ducts for now as I realize that I need a clean out duct in the bed and will have to do that before I commit to that either (hmmm. fear of commitment!). The sizes of everything else is taken from the book and the Bonnybrooke build plans that I bought online. I insulated the heat riser after I sculpted the air channel (shown) and smoothed it out and insulated down to the ash pit floor from the riser. It is insulated with the slip and vermiculite combo inside hardware cloth packed around the heat riser. The clay/sand cap is rounded and slopes BOTH directions...oops. I get a clean burn and it smokes very little (just when I light it for a second)- now that I have added an extra slit brick into the feed and lay a brick halfway over and at an angle. I"d rather avoid having to buy new duct if I can. I'm in pretty deep as it is.
The pics are on a co workers flicker account as we couldn't figure out how to get them on here.
Thanks so much!