Chaz Petersen

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since Jan 20, 2014
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Recent posts by Chaz Petersen

Genetic literacy project is a pro gmo shill science advocacy group... nothing to see here. Plant poly cultures.
8 years ago
The 2 on the bottom are untreated, the 4 on the left didn't imbibe and the others are either germinating or getting a crusty growth
9 years ago
I'm having poor germination rates with Honey Locust. I scarify at 190 F for 1-2 minutes followed by a 24 hour soak and they imbibe well and a few sprout within a day or two but 80-90% get a whitish, possibly green maturing crusty mold growing on them. The germination medium is coco coir, dry enough to not be able to squeeze water out. I've repeated this experiment twice and haven't seen better than a 10% germination. The same procedure worked well for black locust. however, the black locust only had ~50% imbibe from the scarification treatment but out of those that did imbibe, nearly 100% germinated within 3 days.

Any suggestions to improve my honey locust germination rates?


9 years ago
Awesome, thanks you guys!
10 years ago
I want to plant a lot of trees and have a high rate of survival, can anyone recommend a tree tube to protect from wildlife and provide micro shelter for seedlings? I'm looking for the lowest cost product that works and can be used more than once.
10 years ago
If another early bird ticket pops up I will buy it.
11 years ago