Joseph Warrender

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since Jan 27, 2014
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Hi Carmela,

Naturally you can have a proper dam like structure where you can store the rainy water and away from sunlight. You can have such storage facilities that don't allow water to evaporate and through pipes you can use that water in dry season to wet your ground.
11 years ago
As in the picture this is looking very beautiful by size & looks. As you mention in the post that it may collect 100 liters of drinking water per day. That will be very helpful for rural area peoples. But I think there is one thing missing on the system is that shading system. That will save our water from evaporation. So I will suggest you to add it if not.
11 years ago
Well, it all depends on the area you are residing. If it is an industrial there are chances of acid rain or chemicals in the rain. I don’t suggest you to have that water for drinking purpose. Rather you can have that for regular use and that too after quality purification
For me these filters suit your needs.

1. Teflon Filter
2. High Flow Filters

If you want to be more nature specific use solar heater to boil. 
11 years ago