Miles Flansburg wrote:Hello Melissa, Is there a chance that the grey water will run into the well via surface runoff? Does any of your rain water flow into the well? How deep is it, and is it capped and sealed?
I don't know the answers but here are more questions that might help?
Seems to me that any water that is on the surface, including rain, is a possible contaminant, correct?
Isn't water that percolates through the soil "filtered" ?
Wouldn't grey water be filtered if it is allowed to percolate through soil ?
Does Melissa need to set up a system that includes filtering wetland plants?
Right now, the well isn't sealed (its covered with a bucket to prevent the cats from falling in....). Whenever we get it fixed, it will be sealed. Right now, I know the water is contaminated with e Coli. Rainwater and surface run off gets into it currently.
The greywater, however, has no way of flowing into the well opening. It will be discharged into basins, and will be lower in elevation than the well. From what I've read, it seems like contamination is an issue with it percolating through the ground? But because the low quantity of grey water, it seems like the surrounding plants and mulch would suck it all up before it goes too deep into the soil, but I really have no idea. I don't know exactly where my water table is, but the standing level of the well is about 20 feet down, so it doesn't seem like the water discharged from the laundry would be enough to get into the water table, and by the time it does it would be well filtered. But once again, I have no idea.