Just a thought (hav some experience with bad soil+tonnes of wind+drought from my work)
why don't you use pebbles or small stones as mulch and use woodchips in the soil to make it a bit hugelisch in combination with compost, IF you can get it. Also shade and wind cover is gone be huge. my personal experience watering trees is that does in the shade and with some wind cover grow beter and need less water. trees that stand in the wind and full sun are a nightmare to get going to the point they no longer need assistence.
As for irrigation: I am not against drip irrigation but since NM is almost dead dessert i imagine it's needed long term. drainage tubes can be used as well. Dig them in about 30-40cm (doesn't have to be exact) loop them round and conect them with a T joint. this way the water get's in the rooting zone of your crop where the plant's need it the most. the stones don't absorb the water as fast or as much as the woodchips but still protect your soil from the sun and wind and they arn't as easily washed away or blown away.
In any case just my 2cents...