I happened to find a tincture that is good for pain, especially for nerves, it's teasle root. I found this mysterious plant all over the place and with the help of permies, identified it. Then obsessively looked it up, dug it up, cut it up and made medicine out of it (doesn't everybody?). It might be something that can help with the pain. For me though, it's the nightshades, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, those purple disgusting things that people eat the name just escapes me at the moment. EGGPLANT that's what it is, can't eat any of that stuff or my bones and joints start to hurt. The thing about nightshades is they cause inflammation which can affect your nerves as well. When I eliminated them, my acne cleared up completely (that's just one of the signs that one can't tolerate that plant group) and the pain went away. Also another tincture that is good to for reducing inflammation is tumeric. My brother is in a lot of pain from gout and tumeric helps to ease the pain. Teasle is more specific to nerves and tumeric is for inflammation.
I hope you're feeling better soon.