Anthony Shank

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since Feb 19, 2014
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Bloggers, Traveling, Nature, Food, Gardens, Permies, Yoga, Life livers
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Brevard Co, Palm Bay, Florida
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Recent posts by Anthony Shank

Can anyone give me any tips/hints on how to harvest cranberry hibiscus flowers? Any suggestions for use of them? We realize the leaves are eatable, but not sure what to do with the flowers. - THANKS!!
10 years ago
I have tried some herbs with no luck, but I will try that out. The paste sounds pretty good. I am finding that most traditional things barely put a dent in these guys. They are really difficult.....
10 years ago
Thanks for the advise. I was really hoping to find someone in the area that deals with these too. Anyone out there in the Central FL area?
10 years ago
Hey John! Thank you so very much for this info. It really is fascinating stuff for sure! I contacted the company Fungi Perfecti, Stamets', and found out that they are currently trying to get a EPA approval. They have patents that are published and waiting on two more. They are saying that it could take $2,000,000 or more for this approval!! Anyway, they cannot sell it until they get that approval, soooooooooooooo, I'm back to trying to figure out a solution for these darn ants. Any other suggestions?
10 years ago
I own a home in Central Florida, close to the coast. We have, what I have been told are known as Caribbean Crazy ants. These ants are not your typical ants that have a hill here and there that you can pour boiling water on and the problem is solved. These things are everywhere!! Even after we think we have every hill destroyed, there are millions more. So bad that you can't really even go outside without being covered in them. Luckily, they don't bite, but they are very, very difficult to handle and live with. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to handle these things. We have tried all kinds of things with zero luck. Any suggestions would be very appreciated.
10 years ago
I have recently installed a small pond in my back yard. It is approx 6ft x 6 ft x 4 ft. I would really like to use solar power for a pump so I can stock it with fish, but the pump I bought is very weak and only works if the sunlight is directly on it at all times. Can anyone recommend a good solar pump for this purpose? Thanks
11 years ago
Has anyone considered or tried to use Diatomaceous Earth as a septic tank treatment? Would there be any benefit to pouring DE in to your tank once a month or so? If not, what is the best natural way to keep your septic clean so you don't need to pump it.
11 years ago