I read how the replies have shifted in focus from Permaculture being an agricultural element to it's impact on any environment. No one has mentioned that it started out as a PhD thesis that was written by David Holmgren and he failed to understand why anyone would be impacted by it, let alone have it published as a book, Permaculture 1 was born. That originally it did start out as Permanent Agriculture but has been transformed, when, I am not sure, into Permanent Culture.
I am so puzzled how Bill Mollison's 72 hour original PDC is being transformed into a course which is becoming bigger than the production of Ben Hur, and with a price tag to match. Originally it was a Permaculture Design Certificate, but now that is mentioned in small type and has been replaced by Permaculture Design Course. 72 hours is now running at anything upto 120 to 160 hours and I wonder if people are turning away because of the cost.
People talk of the fourth ethic of Permaculture the one of spirituality and how that must feature more in this course.
Courses are popping up with topics in them like The social landscape, Strategies for building social capital, Economic systems and communities, Economic regeneration strategies,. This is a huge expansion on finances and money as in the original 72 hour PDC. I shake my head as to where this is expansion is going and do subjects like this belong in a PDC. Surely a PDC is about design. Yes, it could be argued that this is about designing community, is designing an economic community, to this extent, what a student is expecting on a PDC which started out in the realm of Permanent Agriculture and growing things and designing landscapes?
To me something has to give. I write because I am becoming disillusioned and confused, I have trodden the permaculture path for a long time and yes I do hold some permaculture quals, all the way up to a diploma. Every section so very different from the Design Course. The advanced was all hands on .. the diploma was more tertiary based but really in the end it was project managment.
Thanks for listening to my frustrated demented ramblings.