Kevin Morland

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since May 22, 2014
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Recent posts by Kevin Morland

My brother in law created his first Hugelkulture in Northern Wisconsin and it was immediately infested with voles. Is there an obvious mistake people make to cause such a thing? Is there a trick to keep them out of it?

9 years ago
I was happily able to download the PDF just fine-and-dandy! Thanks for the freebie!

I've already read it, too -- and I noticed a quote from our own Mr. Wheaton that said, "The Grid by Geoff Lawton is the best DVD for Food Forests" -- and dang it if I can't find that DVD anywhere. Is there a link? I think I'd like to watch that sucker a lot.


(Maybe that's incorrectable grammar - Is it that "I think I'd like a lot to watch that sucker?"
Nope. I think that's worse.)

So what's the next step? What are you referencing (books? websites?) so that you know what you are doing?

9 years ago
Thanks for the follow-up question, Miles.

Darn, I guess my post was just too vague. I've just never seen any good info on food forests that are written with a newbie in mind. I can find many articles that describe the philosophy, but nothing on what "actually works in the field." How far away should things be planted? Should other techniques be used like swales or maybe something I haven't heard of yet? Is it as simple as, "Plant a bunch of stuff around a tree and that's a food forest?" Maybe so and then my question is moot. But it seems like there would be some finer points. Is it different if the tree is already established than when you are planting the tree as well?

As far as how to plant plants - that's not necessary.

I also have some trouble finding lists of different plants that work particularly well together. It's all a bit overwhelming, so I am never sure where to start. If I wanted to start an apple tree in Zone 5, what would you plant around it, for instance?

Does that help, or am I barking up the wrong tree? (Oh I crack me up.)

9 years ago
I'm looking to try using an established Hemlock tree as the starting point for an acid-based, circular mini forest garden to gain some experience. Thinking wintergreen and blueberries. I could really use some super basic instructions, but so far I've not found good step-by-step info. Could anyone point me in a good direction?

And then any advice you have for me would also be hugely useful!

I'm in zone 5 -- northern Illionois.

Thank you all!
9 years ago
Hi Justin,

I just watched your Facebook video, and even though you've had a decent number of views, I'm worried that it won't get you the traffic to Kickstarter that you are looking for because there is no mention of Kickstarter in the video (that I noticed) - Maybe you could add an end slate that says, "Kickstarter - Permaculture Chickens" with the end date on it.

Ideally a link, but I'm not sure you can create active links in videos on Facebook.

Anyway, I hope this piece of unsolicited advice helps!

I didn't have giant face-eating ants, but I had a lot of them before I planted last year, and I used a lot of coffee grounds to keep the slugs away. The ants also went away, and later I read that they don't much care for coffee grounds. I have no idea if this will help you, but it worked for ants that don't eat face.

9 years ago
Well, I was finally able to contribute. I had to use a different card -- which is strange since I use that other card for EVERYTHING. Anyway... I didn't see any notification that I contributed on behalf of Permies, but at least I'll get my DVD... As long as you reach your goal.

I can't seem to contribute - It keeps saying that my credit card is rejected even though I called my credit card company and they aren't even being notified. Anyone else having trouble with Kickstarter today?

I have just begun learning about this. So far it isn't easy or obvious. I've spoken to two counties and both have said that any structure, no matter the size, requires a building permit. And neither knew what a cob house or an Earthship is.

The two counties are Highlands and Hendry.

They follow the Florida Building Code, so there was little difference between the two counties. They both also require you to get a permit to live in an RV while building your house. (In both cases I specified that I wanted to buy land zoned as agriculture.) One of them explained that this is because people have just dumped their sewage from their mobile homes on the ground, creating an environmental issue.

I've sent an email to Highlands county asking about compost toilets, but I don't have my hopes up.

Anyone else learned more?

10 years ago