Thanks for the follow-up question, Miles.
Darn, I guess my post was just too vague. I've just never seen any good info on food forests that are written with a newbie in mind. I can find many articles that describe the philosophy, but nothing on what "actually works in the field." How far away should things be planted? Should other techniques be used like swales or maybe something I haven't heard of yet? Is it as simple as, "Plant a bunch of stuff around a tree and that's a food forest?" Maybe so and then my question is moot. But it seems like there would be some finer points. Is it different if the tree is already established than when you are planting the tree as well?
As far as how to plant plants - that's not necessary.
I also have some trouble finding lists of different plants that work particularly well together. It's all a bit overwhelming, so I am never sure where to start. If I wanted to start an apple tree in Zone 5, what would you plant around it, for instance?
Does that help, or am I barking up the wrong tree? (Oh I crack me up.)