Watering isn't a problem because we have had so much rain lately!! We do have a green bean plant that was given to me at the farmers market as a Mothers day gift. 1 out of 3 of them have made it. We also have a cherry tomato plants that my mom helped me get going because my son loves them so much. They are doing super well!! Maybe the sunflower is getting to much water with all the rain. I swear anytime my pots start to look dry it storms for 2-3days.
He is super excited about the other plant too, but I think he has a special place for the sunflower because the "easter bunny" gave it to him. It is also the only one we have grown from seed. But thanks for the advice, I may look for sunflower plant that is a bit more mature that I add to the pot maybe without him noticing! Just to keep him excited.
My location is northwest arkansas. will add to my profile too! We tried carrots also but they never made it. oh and I will get pics up tomorrow!