We had chickens growing up, and I look forward to starting new flock soon. We had a half St. Bernard half Collie that not only protected us, but every other animal on the place. Coyotes were a huge problem for us. Bear as he was know, protected forty acres, and actually helped raise the chicks from when we first brought them home. In the evenings he would "herd" the chickens into the coop. If one wasn't cooperating he would pick them up by the tail feathers and carry them inside. Believe it or not, it is true. On the really cold nights he slept in the coop with them. They would cuddle up with him. It was always funny to see. He would "herd " the cattle as well...by walking around them until they would each begin to follow him, then he would walk them in a circle and then where they needed to go. Sorry for the long story...but is your dog that friendly with the chickens? To sleep in the coop, if it is big enough? An idea. It seemed Bear was like a mother hen to the chickens I guess because he basically slept with them from day one. And maybe that created a bond similar to putting dogs and cats together. Good luck!