Steve MacConnla

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since Jan 13, 2015
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Recent posts by Steve MacConnla

I've read in a couple of books that coffee grounds are not good for chickens to eat, so I'd say keep it away from them.
9 years ago
Laura - Thank you for the resources. I'll be sure to check these out.
9 years ago
Being a grey water newbie, does anyone know of a good book I should check out to feed my brain with information?
9 years ago
So, did the class already start? I keep seeing February 7th as the start date.
10 years ago

How should I find out who owns a vacant lot?

County property appraiser records should have this information

How should I best approach the landowner to ask for use of the lot for gardening?

Be honest. Tell them what you are looking to do and ask for their approval and maybe even their assistance.
10 years ago
Justin - Thank you for the information. I like the chicken idea and we could lend them 1 or 2 of our chickens to help.
10 years ago
I have a friend who has a tick infestation in their small yard. Their dogs continue to be covered in ticks after they go outside (even after they've had someone "spray" their yard). I've recently read about food grade DE and recommended that my friend use it for his tick problem. I know it needs to be dry in the areas he uses it, but is there any other information I should give him?
10 years ago

Tina Paxton wrote:The other option I'm looking at is using a hummanure composting toilet (Loveable Loo)

I'm looking at purchasing a home on 13 acres and want to do a similar thing outdoors and call it the Poopy Palace, which takes after the name of the composting toilet at Mountain Light Sanctuary in NC.
10 years ago
Welcome Adam! I'm a newbie to the Permaculture world, but I'm very eager to learn and look forward to gaining some dairy farming knowledge.
10 years ago