Mikah Holt

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since Feb 03, 2015
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Recent posts by Mikah Holt

Hello my friends!
I have a bit of a problem I'm hoping someone can help me with.
I'm working on a research paper, focusing on organic gardening/small scale farming and how it could solve food shortage issues. I'd like to bring permaculture into it as well. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to answer a few questions related to Permaculture in general and organic gardening and how it relates to permaculture. I know I can find all this information myself (believe me when I say I have done a ton of research on this topic) but I need an interview with someone who is at least moderately familiar with this topic. I would love to chat over the phone, through text, email or really whatever is comfortable for you. I would rather not post the questions on here, I'm really looking for an interview. Unfortunately, I am in a bit of a time crunch. I had something set up and the person I was going to interview had some sort of emergency and backed out at the last minute. I'd love to chat within the next day or two. Please get in touch through here or through my email! mkholt3@gmail.com
8 years ago
]Hello my friends!
My name is Mika and I am originally from Boston, Ma. I am considering changing that after some extensive traveling though. At the moment, I'm traveling around the south for the winter with my partner. We are staying in Greenville until Christmas, my partner has work here. We've been enjoying the weather but I find myself with tons of time to spare since the place I am staying in doesn't have a garden (or even a yard) I love working in gardens, being on farms, etc. I've grown up working hard and enjoy it. I went to an agricultural school and have general working knowledge of how a farm is run. I'm offering my services doing reasonable work for a fairly fit 39 yo woman. I can help in gardens, I'm good with plants and animals. I like being in barns, I don't mind most farm animals and am willing to learn about the ones I don't know. Part of the reason we are in the area for a few months is we are considering purchasing land in the area. I'd like to get a feel for the area's permie community before I make any final decisions. I'm not asking for any payment or to live at your place, I just want to help out. An afternoon in a garden or barn would help me not go stir crazy. I've been walking but it's not enough. I don't smoke or drink and I require no food, I like to work and need some good physical activity in this weather. I'm not used to this in late Oct! I need to be outside. Pease let me help! I'm in the Greenville area and can get a reasonable distance, although since we share a car, it gets interesting. I can usually arrange rides or some sort of transportation though, I'm a very self-sufficient person. I can also help cook, bake, can, and any number of other random things. I am also interested in permaculture design courses or any other classes in organic gardening, homesteading or anything of interest in the area if any could point me in the right direction. Don't have to be free, but I do prefer hands-on learning. Thanks a bunch, please message me here to start a conversation and I'll give you my email and other info.
8 years ago
We are in Mandeville, how's it going? We are renting at the moment but looking for a place to buy somewhere southish. We actually just moved down a few months ago, it's been an interesting year.
I'm Mika. If you ever need a hand let me know, always willing to chip in a hand with projects (as long as I have time!) Sometimes, I can get one of the roomies to help too.
9 years ago
Hi Skip!
It's going pretty well, although we've had some rough patches. We are in Louisiana at the moment. So far my favorite part was spending a week in the mountains in Georgia. Thanks for asking!
9 years ago
Hi Everyone!
We are a poly family of four, looking to exchange work for a place to camp. We are currently in Louisiana, not far from New Orleans. We are looking for a spot for the winter. Between the 3 adults, we have quite a bit of experience in building, growing and many other useful skills. Two of us are experienced cooks and I went to school for plant sciences. We have a 7 year old homeschooled daughter and a well behaved cat with us. We also have a kick ass jeep and a few useful tools.

We would love a situation where we can work in exchange for a place to settle for the winter. We are originally from Mass but have been traveling for a while before starting our own farm. We'd love some more hands on experience and an opportunity to work with animals (chickens in particular). We have been studying and doing as much as we have been able to live a permie type life in a small apartment in a city.

None of us has a record. We all have a strong work ethic and prefer to stay busy doing projects. We don't drink heavily or do drugs. Our ages are 38, 36 and 29.

Our funds are limited so a situation in Louisiana or close by would be preferred.

Thanks a bunch!
Mikah and family
9 years ago
No, not yet! We are planning on getting there in the early spring. We are headed out on a road trip for the winter and will make our way slowly to Missouri. Looking forward to our next adventure!
9 years ago
I've been a reader and lurker for a while and since we are officially started I had to share with people who get it! I have loved this site for a while now, the whole concept of permaculture resonates with me.

The plan has been set in motion, finally took a huge step forward and bought our land after years of dreams. 5 acres in the Ozarks!!! We'll be headed to Missouri in a couple months for a bit to connect with the land and take a much needed breather.

We are finally going to build our space! It already has an amazing forest that we will be leaving mostly intact, we'll just be adding more food to it and harvesting as needed. It has potential for amazing water features and space for growing a good sized kitchen garden cleared. The part that I love most is the lack of building codes!

We've got lists and plans, tons of research and practical experience in a large variety of skills. We are in the process of acquiring all the basic tools we'll need. We are trying to do everything in a sustainable, earth friendly, inexpensive manner using as much recycled material as possible. We'll be part time at first, and we'll see what happens from there! At some point we would love to welcome fellow permies who want a place to play in the dirt, probably once we've got a home base established, so hopefully next year. We would also be open to possible long term residents at some point.

We are so excited to do this, it's been a long time dream that's only felt more possible the more we did.

We are super excited, and seeking all knowledge about Missouri. We're in Boston currently and just want some of those odd tips you know when you live somewhere for a while.
Any advice is welcome!

Mika n crew
10 years ago