Hi folks,
I'm planning on building a smallish rocket-fired oven (for pizza and bread). I've seen a fair number of posts and images on the subject, but most of them look like they'd do a good job of heating up the dome of the oven, but maybe not such a good job of heating up the hearth/floor.
There's a
thread over on the donkey forums that shows an oven with channels under the floor that channel the exhaust from the heat riser into the oven (though it's not really clear where the exhaust goes after that—out the open door?). I'd guess that these channels would heat the floor up nicely.
Extending this concept a little further, I thought what would happen if the heat riser was offset relative to the oven so that these channels passed all the way across under the floor? Then the hot gases would enter the oven, flow across the inside of the dome, then exit through some sort of slot or holes at the opposite side.
Something like the attached image (which is looking from the front of the oven, with the feed tube and exhaust both at the side).
What do you think? Could this work? Or would something simpler work just as well (or better!)?