Uaaau! I'm loving this forum! I still plan to read as much as possible, but the comfort and pleasure of having this community here is just taking over me. Thank you all for your replies!
chad Christopher wrote:Myself, and others are going to want to know...where are you?
- Espinho, Portugal. I asked a small community of young and loving people - called "Moinho" - to use the terrain for growing and sharing the results with them and they said yes. I'm there since October.
Thanks for the list of suggestions on what grows best in such conditions.
"First seed then mow". I'll surely remember that, since after seeding I had a need to shake the mowed weeds all over the terrain so the seeds would go under them. Extra work.
Before I realized there were all these replies here, I noticed that some rain was predicted for 2 days ahead so I mowed a ~30x6 meter lane and spread several kinds I had in big quantity and somehow had an idea that they are resilient and sprout easily: cowpea, black turtle beans, mung beans (all beans soaked from the day before), chickpeas, collard greens (couve galega), turnips, Cichorium (I bought big quantities (400g) in cereal/bird food stores), flax, trifolium (white kind, I think; from the bird food store also), pumpkins, lupin-bean. Maybe it was too much seed for the area. Never done this before so I can't tell. Maybe 1 kg of soaked beans and half a handful of each of the small varieties of seeds. It rained a bit for 2 days and now is sunny and getting warm \o/ yuhuuuu!
And that's the latest update. I'll share the results here is the post keeps open by that time.
Glad for this sharing experience.