This sounds pretty similar to my worm compost set up, which I learned through classes taught by Jock Robie. I have an 18 gallon storage tote with a wooden platform at the bottom, 3-4 inches of newspaper, and the rest is full of moistened shredded newspaper. I add food to the corners.
Your layer of compost is a new twist to me. The worms I have eat their shredded newspaper bedding. That makes me wonder what made the difference: the leaves or the compost? I fed my worms some rotting apples last year and they really seemed to thrive on it, but I've been nervous about adding much from outside. Now that I think about it, I spread out the rotten apples much like you describe spreading out the compost. That's really interesting. Maybe not all worms can make it to the corner to feed? Or are we introducing some organisms from outdoors that help decompose the food scraps so they taste better to the worms?