We grew up with book smart and common sense. Dad's phrase to teach common sense was "If you're gonna be stupid you better be tough". Tended to make us think things through. I did get a few spankings while I was still bleeding and produced a lot of laughter. On the other hand, I've never broken a bone.
Dad was that guy in town who could fix anything, usually without buying parts. He never explained how things worked. Our job was to pay attention and figure it out. Mom, on the other hand, was a stickler for instructions. As a result, all of us, brother and sisters alike, can cook, preserve food, clean anything, garden, rebuild an engine, etc. I do try to share the technique of figuring things out.
Quick story...When I was in 5th grade, I wanted a brass bed. Dad brought home an old iron bedstead and said if I liked it, I could sand it down and we could paint it brass. It wouldn't be as shiny, but... I sanded on that thing every evening after supper for about 3 weeks. I was on what I figured would be the last day before we could paint. I went to the workbench to get some sandpaper and Dad had set out the electric sander. I hadn't even thought about it. Guess I'm pretty tough. :)