Let me Guess its Salt Flat Texas?
If so let me know, I attempted a project out there a few years back, with to little resources Material/Monetary/Human
I can tell you a great deal about where I went wrong and what to look for, if its salt flat you got a lot of work ahead of you, but at the same time in 5 or 10 or 15 years if you can stick it out the potential is amazing.
You got a lot of things to consider Hudspeth county averages I think depending on sources 10-12" of rain per year(sometimes in one shot, yes sometimes it rains once per year there)so you need to find a way to get as much of that as possible, wind barriers are ESSENTIAL any soil you build will easily be taken away by high winds.
Wells are usually not an option (water is a few thousand feet down, and the water quality is very poor, not to mention it is part of an endangered aquifer) You could get tanks of water, but again they most likely come from the Aquifer and the expense will make it unproductive for most agriculture.
Yeah if its Salt Flat let me know (and look for tires, there are abandoned places just filled with tires everywhere)
I have a lot more tips for that area, I failed hard, but spent a couple years evaluating said failure.
Oh Border Patrol is hardcore there, just always be polite, after all it is a Constitution free zone