Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Shannon Spurgeon

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since Jun 26, 2016
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This sounds similar to a winter squash that has been passed down through my family for more than a hundred years.  Origin is lost, hungry people didn't worry about who passed on the seed.  The vines can cover a large area, more than 20 ft radius.  Leaves as large as dinner plates.  Last time I planted, a single squash weighed 22 lbs and I pruned the vine with the lawn mower when it threatened to take over the whole yard.  Neck is somewhat crooked, flesh is light orange and well flavored.  We've come to call it jump back squash because of planting directions passed down, "Throw seed on the ground and jump back".
I conned a neighbor into letting me plant six year old seed in her yard and every single one came up.  If this year's crop is successful, I will be happy to share seed and growing experience.
8 years ago