This thread is so full of WIN its ridiculous.
I have to address this first
Nicole Alderman wrote:(2) I'm pretty sure this is just me wanting one because I didn't have one when I was a little girl, and I always wanted one, (3) It's probably kind of a waste of my time/resources. I have so little time as it is!!
I'm a red blooded African man, who has lived a
very full life up to this point. I'll say this: if you aren't prepared to meet the needs of your inner person/child/long lived and long felt dreams, then you are doing yourself at all times, a grave disservice.
I only say that from experience, and having denied myself the same for decades. The feeling of innate fulfilment when listening and responding to these dreams is exceptional and life changing. So, you have my encouragement!
I have three young daughters, and just last night I was following a collection of visuals via Pinterest where DIY toys inspired by Waldorf School toys were being shown. I was amazed at the creativity, doll houses, castles, farms, et al that were being brought up. So much so that thats my project with my girls today :)
That makes this thread introduction to me, very timeous. Thank you. Your work thus far is amazing to me.
Question: given that you hate hot glues (the plastic is the problem right!?) what do you suggest as an alternative? I sit with the same dilemma and hatred for the plastic glues, though I have ample supplies from my neighbour wanderings (picking up perfectly functioning items destined for the landfill)